Web Design

High-End Web Development

We provides tailored Web Design Services that suit your business Goal. Get a website
that keeps your audience engaged and converts.

Our range of website design &
development services


Static Web Design

Static Web Design is one of our website design and development services where the content of the website remains unaltered. The programming language used to build a static website is HTML5 & styled with CSS3.


Dynamic Web Design

Dynamic websites require programming skills to make updates. Ecommerce websites, news and blog websites require constant updates and the process gets painful. Here comes the Content Management System(CMS).


Responsive Web Design

A responsive website is one that adapts to devices of all screen sizes. People are switching to mobile phones and tablets at a faster pace. The conversion rate through mobile devices is also increasing.


Corporate Web Design

Corporate websites follow certain standards to portray them as exquisite professionals. Our expertise in corporate website design gratifies your demands. Stunning graphics, bandwidth for future expansion, professional content, proper CTAs.


eCommerce Web Design

The online shopping websites are called as ecommerce websites. We provide Custom eCommerce web design & development services that have attractive graphics, amazing coding standards, and high-level security..


Landing Web Design

A landing page is usually developed for marketing purposes. It can be either running an Ad Campaign(PPC) or Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Campaign. There are certain rules and aspects for a good landing page.

Web Designing Works

How we work

What we do best

We are diligent proponents of the agile methodology, and we keep a close watch on our delivery. Even though delivery schedules have a high degree of specificity to an individual project, we usually deploy increments on a two week schedule. Each increment is subjected to rigorous adherence with our industry standard six step process of the Software Development Life Cycle, which ensures we deliver value predictably and consistently, while staying lean, and there by keeping costs low and flexible.


Requirement gathering and Analysis

Once you choose to start a project with us, either through our online tool, or directly via email, a free initial consultation (not exceeding 60 minutes) on Skype or a phone call will be setup.

After subsequent meetings or communications as per the demands of the project, our analysts would submit a detailed Business Requirements Document (BRD) for your approval.


Design and Prototyping

After your approval of the BRD, a detailed Technical Specification Document (TSD) including screen mockups and the architecture adviced as appropriate will be submited to you by one of our Architects.

After confirmation, a high fidelity prototype of the screens, user experience and interactions, as applicable will be provided for clarity and to minimize discrepancies at a latter stage.


Schedules and Development

All necessary information is to be provided to the team assigned to you at this point. As appropriate to the project, a schedule will be drafted, specifying development and delivery terms.

Once the project is setup for development, a private link will be shared, for you to keep track of the progress. At this point an account is created for you on Kaaturu.com (if you are a first time user) for you to manage all important aspects of the project through your dashboard on Kaaturu.com.


Testing and Documentation

After rigorous testing of each increment at our end, it will be submitted to you for your acceptance testing, with real world data. The increment will also be documented, and user manuals ammended accordingly.

You can raise concerns, if any to the team for their assistance. The dashboard provides intuitive tools to make this process a breeze.


Continuous Integration / Deployment

The developed and tested increment is now ready to be deployed for the first time, or the existing version of you project updated, depending on what stage the project is in.

Incase of an initial release, you will have to either provide access to the team, for external services (Domain registrar, Social media accounts for API access etc), or approve Kaaturu to create or manage the required services on your behalf. Again, the dashboard makes this process seamless and easy.


Maintenance and further increments

Your project is now live! But this is just the end of the begining. Your business and ideas change from time to time, and you need your ingenious ideas applied to your project quickly. Or may be there was a major change in the browser or operating system that the majority of your users use. Don't worry, Kaaturu has got your back.

Agile methodology was invented especially for such scenarios (and more), and because you chose us, who are huge fan-boys of agile, your ideas become a reality and are kept that way, instantly and incrementaly. Needless to say, all of this is made fun and easy, thanks to the awesome tools the dashboard comes with.