
Our Latest Works

We are an Award Winning website design agency that Makes a Mark in the minds of your
website visitors and help you generate leads.

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25, Aug, 2020

Webplace wins Gold! and Silver!

The team at Webplace are thrilled to have recently won Gold and Silver at the Driven X Design awards.

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24, Aug, 2020

FoodSmart goes Multilingual

Learn how we upgraded the FoodSmart website and Food Safety Program to cater for Arabic.

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19, Aug, 2020

Redeveloping our site

Speed, Security are just some of the benefits we have seen from transitioning to a Headless CMS.

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11, Aug, 2020

Understanding the differences and advantages of Headless over traditional CMS

We compare Traditional, Headless and Decoupled CMS and outline why your organisation may want to consider a Headless CMS

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12, Jul, 2020

Is it time to consider a 3rd party search engine?

Are your users complaining of a search that does not work? Or even worse are your users reverting . Enterprise search engines may be the answer

This is a card image linkblog
18, Jan, 2020

A comparison of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal (2020)

Discover the differences between the top three open-source Content Management Systems worse are your users and the use-cases for each system

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